Empower Minds And Inspire Futures As a Tutor!

As a private tutor, you have the unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on students' academic success and personal growth. By sharing your knowledge, expertise, and passion for learning, you can inspire confidence, ignite curiosity, and help students overcome challenges.

Become one of Learnfinitys’ Tutors!

We have a 4 step process!

  • To become a private tutor with Learnfinity, you must first register below.

    Please submit your CV and a cover letter about your tutoring skills, work experience, tutoring expertise and performance that you feel is relevant.

  • You will have a quick introductory conversation with a member of our team to ensure that you are a good fit to become a private tutor with Learnfinity.

  • You will then be invited to meet a member of the team in an online (Zoom™) interview, where you will be asked to prepare a short lesson on a topic that you wish to private tutor e.g. Java for Computer Science or Algebra for Mathematics at GCSE.

    You may also be asked competency and behavioural questions about teaching and tutoring

  • If you are successful, we would be delighted for you to join Learnfinity as a private tutor on our network!